Saturday, February 28, 2009

Does anybody hear me?

I love this site, but I am not sure that anybody is reading my blog. I will keep trying throughout March, and we will see what comes.

The past few weeks have been absolutely CRAZY! I have been working so hard, and I hope that on Tuesday my kids are able to do their best on the TAKS test. Everyone in our school has pushed to help these kids reach the mark. It is hard for me to let go and let god. I have to in order to keep some sanity.

It is still really hard not seeing Trent as much too. He is always so good at helping me when I am stressed. He is so calm and relaxed, and I am so not but being around his personality helps me calm down.

So, pray for me and my class on 3rd graders take the Reading TAKS! We are shooting for exemplary!

Monday, February 9, 2009


Get a Voki now!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Poor Doggies

So, tonight like most nights I lay here in bed watching WFAA news. Well, tonight I had forgotten to submit an email, and had to do that tonight. After watching a story on WFAA I had to blog. They aired a story about animal shelters. If you have known me for any amount of time you know I LOVE animals. The number of dogs in shelters is drastically higher now than ever due to the economy, and most of the dogs are owner release. Shelters are putting down at least 40 dogs a day. This broke my heart. Both of my dogs are shelter dogs that someone didn't want. I cant imagine having to give them up, and knowing that they are then put down. During the story they put two dogs down. I cried like a baby!

I know things get difficult, but I hope people who saw this story think about this when it comes time to get a pet. There are a TON of people who only buy "pure" bred dogs, and there are plenty of dogs in shelters waiting for a good home.

Had to get this out! Thanks for listening!